Careful, Dad! Watch out for the ears!!!
This kinda tickles! Are you sure you've done this before?
All done... and the ears are still intact!
Well, I have to confess and clarify... This wasn't his first. FIRST haircut. I have trimmed his hair with scissors since he was teeny tiny, since I hated the way it got on his ears and poofed out from his head. (No son of mine is gonna look sissified!) Although, even with his little trims, his hair was getting completely unmanageable in this raging VA humidity, so I knew it was "time". It would flip out and curl straight up on both sides of his head, as if he were a full-curl Ram! Or a Great-horned Owl. (Lori will know from whom he inherited that trait, but I'm not saying any more about that, and I know the secret is safe with her.) Joe got the clippers out and insisted he didn't need any assistance, muttering something about "years of experience"... I was a TEENSY bit skeptical though, since his idea of a haircut is buzzing his own head with a #2 attachment (it's perfect on him - and it's free!) and I was afraid he wouldn't get Magnus' straight, he'd mess up the top, blah blah blah... (Aren't wives annoying?) All my *teensy* bit of worrying was in vain (again) though, and he got Magnus looking just the way I'd hoped. You rock, Barber-Dad! Do mine too?? Just kidding. It would be great though. Sometimes I get kinda' tired of dealing with all this "glory". =)