Joe on the mechanical bull - how cool! Yeehaw, cowboy!
Here's Pastor Melvin, going for 8! (Or anything!)
Magnus got a lot of attention in his cowboy attire.
Hey Dad! Those horses are just my size!
Giving our tired legs a rest before the rodeo.
Posing with a longhorn - don't we look authentic? Haha!
The Happy Family Fair People
Magnus checkin out the "chicks". Our yearly trek to the VA State Fair in Richmond is one my absolute favorite days of the year! I literally came home with a sore face from smiling too much in one day... how is that even possible? I'll definitely need a double dose of Oil of Olay to smooth out all those extra laugh lines that emerged! Melvin and Tamela joined us for our day of animal shows, pig races and fun, although Melvin had to miss part of the festivities due to his obligation to coach football at the local public school. Tamela stayed with us though, and we walked around until our legs were sore, wondering how many "points" we'd burned off and could re-claim with more fair food. =) The guys complained of soreness for several days after their bull-riding experience (they rode twice), but they were really putting their all into it so I guess they had a pretty good excuse. We never ride the fair rides, although we did let Magnus ride a kids' car ride and the carousel. That kid had so much fun all day that he never fussed once, even when he got tired and needed his nap. I just put him in his stroller at that point with his blankie and he faded off into sweet fair-dreams and slept for a couple hours while we walked around some more. He was a perfect angel all day long... quite unlike him, actually! Too bad the fair only comes around once a year!