Believe it or not, my men are fabulous grocery shoppers! Joe does most of the shopping on his way home from work, which saves me much time and grief! Now I have another little grocery shopper too! Joe and Magnus have discovered the tiny grocery carts at Kroger, and Magnus is hooked! He doesn't care how much stuff you pile on, as long as he gets to drive it "all by myself". It really is amazing how much stuff you can pile in one of those little carts, but the bagger-boys can never seem to quite fit it all back in... Magnus also loves to stop and look at all the pretty flowers, but those beautiful and fragile orchids are always in grave danger when he stops to inspect them more closely! I always try to usher him over to the sturdier looking sunflowers. ("Here honey, sniff these!") Who knew grocery shopping was so much fun?
3 Techniques Of Dry Carpet Cleaning
7 years ago